Sunday, December 30, 2007

5 easy tips to learn french

If you want to know how to learn French fast and impress your friends and colleagues, these five essential learning French tips will help you to accelerate your learning curve considerably...

1. Listen to French tapes and CD's. You need to become familiar with the French pronunciation, and the best way to do that is to listen on a daily basis.

Before you know it, you will be able to recognize French words and sounds. This is one of the most important point in your quest to learn French fast.

2. Try to talk to a French native speaker on a daily basis. If you live in Canada, it will be really easy to find that person. If you are in the US or elsewhere, you can find this person on a French forum. If you really don't have someone, your best choice is to get a software to listen to conversational French.

3. Whenever you find a word that you didn't understand (in step 1), ask to your French helper (in step 2).

Note: in order to be effective, your French mentor should explain you this word... In French only. Believe me, this works great.

4. French Words Note. Each and everyday, set up a goal: Learn 10 words a day. At the end of the month, you will know 300 new words! It's highly effective. Couple that with all the steps above, and you will speak in no time.

5. Have Fun. Be sure to be stress free while you are trying to Learn French fast, and be sure to include games into your education

Children apply all these tips naturally, and that's why early childhood education is the best and safest way to learn French fast.

Learn French Online, fast, easy, free,cool!

French is an official language in 30 countries world wide. It is a beautiful language to speak or listen to, and just because I speak it I thought others should speak it as well. How do you go about it though?

If you think self-study is something you can do, the following online resources will guide you step by step into learning more about the language and culture of France. These resources are so good, you really don’t need any more to get started.

Good luck!

Tell you how to learn french

The memory is like a muscle, you have to make the regularly worked to increase your volume of data storage, and memory depends on your diet, and sommeil.EN summary you should dormes well, you eat well and you make a veritable work of concentration.
I advice you to repeat several times in your sentences esayent to fragment and also to make sense to thin your recitation future.